M adison Institute follows an established and strictly arranged addiction recovery program that is implemented with the comprehensive and personal needs of each client and their unique situation. First, before anything else, you must admit to yourself and your family that you have a problem you cannot control or get rid of yourself. Once you are liberated from the weight of your addiction, you will be able to work on the long-term goal of retaining indefinite sobriety.
After realizing you can’t overcome your addiction and that it isn’t your fault, you will undergo a strictly supervised detoxification. To ensure you get off on the right foot, you will be monitored to ensure your body rids itself of the toxins keeping you physically dependent while doing so in the safest and most comfortable environment possible. Once you have fully detoxed, you will be able to move onto the long-term portion of the program.

We are here for you
Whatever you need to overcome your addiction and remain sober will be provided so you can stay sober indefinitely. Madison Institute provides whatever methods you need to do so. We offer individual therapy as stated above, group therapy to allow you to open up and exchange valuable insight and advice, and aftercare services to ensure that you have the resources and guidance when you leave one of our drug rehab centers.
One on One Therapy
Long-term recovery begins with one-on-one therapy sessions with your personal counselor. Here you will work through the root causes of your problems while getting your emotional needs met.
You will go through dual diagnosis mental health screening to determine if you have an underlying mental disorder. Nearly half the people with addictions do. Whether the root cause of your addiction is a past trauma or mental illness, your addiction recovery will be facilitated by overall mental health treatment. When your background information is supplemented, you will create a personalized addiction treatment plan with your personal counselor.
Group Therapy
Group therapy is an extremely valuable resource. Get your problems off your chest while sharing your story, hear the similar challenges of others, and exchange helpful advice.
Everything shared here will be kept 100 percent confidential and no one will judge you. This is a safe place where you can vent your struggles and help others. The bonds you shape here are very rewarding, and may last long after you have left our addiction recovery program.Aftercare
Aftercare is also key. Addiction is a long-term disease that requires long-term treatment.
When you leave one of Madison Institute’s substance abuse treatment facilities, recovery isn’t over. You’ll have everything you need in place to sustain recovery and a happy life. Much like your personalized treatment plan, your aftercare regimen will be molded to your individual needs and situation. Whether you need a sober living home, a lot of group therapy, or intensive behavioral sessions, your needs will be met. You will have every chance of staying sober.